Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Which Program Would You Promote?

If you had to choose just ONE program, among your dozens -- or even hundreds -- of programs, which would it be?

Fun, isn't it?

We, marketers and entrepreneurs, tend to spread our thoughts and energies all over the place, for we must admit, there are many wonderful programs to check, and test.

And oftentimes, so little time, or money, to do all that.

Precisely why we must discipline ourselves, and ask -- what if it could only be ONE program -- which one would it be?

It's got to be a program you truly believe in, with all your heart, because it is of value to yourself and others.

It's got to be a program that will bring in the income you need or want.

It's got to be a set and forget program, so you can have a life apart from marketing.

It's got to be a simple and people-friendly program.

Give people the best value you've got.

So, let's do an experiment on simplified advertising, through marketing discipline.

For myself, I thought I'd stick to this.

For marketing, I'll use this.

That marketing strategy is achingly simple, and FREE.

One program, one link.

Can't get any simpler than that.

But, it's an experiment in discipline, so I'll see how it all pans out for myself.

How about you, which program would you stick with?

What simple marketing strategy would you use?

I look forward to this experiment.

After all, marketing is purely an experiment.

You really can't tell which one will work, despite your best hopes.

If we had it all mapped out, we'd all be millionaires.

But, we haven't.

So, back to the drawing board.

I'm just making it a bit more fun for myself.

You've got to, if you're in this for the long haul.

Good luck on your own experiment!

P.S. To sum it all up, here's my FREE ad board that shows my little experiment. Interesting how things turned out.