Brad Webb on top photo, also showing his colleague Paul Coonan, from their State-of-the-Art Mailer web page.
We were all newbies once -- got burned a LOT of times -- then we came across a very important statement from veteran online marketer, Brad Webb of State-of-the-Art Mailer.
He said something about "building up your traffic resources first".
And that got us thinking.
In the absence of a really GREAT program, we thought we might as well build up the traffic first.
So we got into a LOT of programs like you wouldn't believe.
After which, we got organized and started this blog.
It started growing organically -- one thought led to another.
We did the research; you can now plant and harvest alongside us.
Read the invaluable Brad Webb post by clicking on this link (it opens to a new page so you can always come back here, thanks!): "For the Marketing & Techie Illiterate"
(Originally published 11 October 2018.)