Friday, July 20, 2018

Salesmen, Marketers, and Entrepreneurs are Made of Sturdy Stuff

When you're a salesman, marketer, and entrepreneur, you tend to experiment a lot. You've got to be made of sturdy stuff for there are no assurances that your programs will work, that people will buy, or that you'll make a cent at all. Thus, it takes a lot of courage, compassion, and creativity. Sometimes, we may wonder if we ought to be doing something else instead considering the load of work to do.

Anyway, here are the essentials in order to make it as an entrepreneur:

Courage, because you've got to be brave in facing many unknowns.

Clarity, because you've got to have clear goals.

Compassion, because we're all in this together.

Creativity, because you've got to think up a storm.

Consistency, because you've got to show up at work each day.

Do you have all that in you?

If so, what are you waiting for?

Dive in this plenty-mad marketing pool.

Many of us forgot to bring a life jacket.

We hope you have one stashed somewhere!